Exhibition / Concert / Workshops / Panel
Salon Izidor Kršnjavi (School of Applied Arts and Design Zagreb)
21.3. – 31.3.2017.
Embodiment in art tends to remain invisible. In electronic and digital, audio and visual arts, processes of sound and image production are hidden. The end result is often incomprehensible for the audience.
This genre of art deploys different methods of production and presentation. From hardware hacking to live coding, from live performance to installation.
This project attempts to look at deeper levels of the applied media. The focus of the reflective process is set on methods and tools used for the creation of art. The result is communication capacity building in the cultural domain, reaching out to students, pupils, organizers, artists, theorists, and professionals and the general audience.
Light speaks, light makes music
Emerich Spielmann used these words to present the Superpiano on the Vienna RAVAG radio broadcast in 1929.
In 1931, Leon Theremin developed the first optical sound rhytm machine – Rhytmicon.
In the early 1930s, both the Russian composer Arseny Avraamov and the German filmmaker Oskar Fischinger started drawing sound waves on film.
Daphne Oram created Oramics in the late 1950s. The Austrian composer Max Brand used the principles of the Oramic system to develop the optical synthesizer.
Artists and researchers are invited to illuminate the principles of optical sound and transfer them into the 21st century in a series of exhibitions, workshops, lectures and concerts.

Exhibition 21/03/2017 – 31/03/2017
Opening 21/03/2017 19:00
Klaus Filip and noid
Sound illuminating a room. Looking with the ears.
Vanda Kreutz
Invisible light
Opening concert 21/03/2017 19:30
Klaus Filip and noid
Sonic Luz
The comeback of the optosonic synthesizer.
Tamara Wilhelm
DIY noise machines
Workshops 22/03/2017 16:00
Klaus Filip and noid
Playing Sonic Luz
Tamara Wilhelm
Building DIY noise machines
Panel discussion Beyond the Surface 22/03/2017 18:30
Elisabeth Schimana
Optical Sound in Austria and Russia
Klaus Filip and noid
The Making of photophon und Sonic Luz
Vanda Kreutz
Invisible light
Hrvoje Hiršl
Tamara Wilhlem
The Making of fade out
Miodrag Gladović and Bojan Gagić
Vitar Drinković
Process of perception
Ivan Marušić Klif
Somehow, everything starts with a dot
Project organizers: The Association of Former Students of the School of Applied Arts and Design Zagreb – UBU, IMA – Institut of Media Archeology (Vienna)
Associates : School of Applied Arts and Design Zagreb, Sintoment, Organizam
Authors and exhibitors: Klaus Filip i noid, Vanda Kreutz, Tamara Wilhelm
Panelists: Vitar Drinković, Klaus Filip i noid, Miodrag Gladović i Bojan Gagić, Hrvoje Hiršl, Ivan Marušić Klif, Vanda Kreutz, Elisabeth Schimana, Tamara Wilhelm
Concert/workshops: Klaus Filip i noid, Tamara Wilhelm
Project managers: Bernarda Cesar, Marija Juza, Filip Pintarić, Elisabeth Schimana
Project assistants: Margareta Belančić, Jelena Lovrec, Petra Matić, Marina Mršić, Neva Zidić
The project is part of the Runaway Art ŠPUD project (ALU, MSU)
FB: www.facebook.com/beyondthesurface2017
FB event/21.3./: www.facebook.com/events/885152608293917/
FB event/22.3/: www.facebook.com/events/1931619720458076/